Stress symptoms are the body's small and large messages ...
It can be very different from person to person what symptoms you experience or have with stress.
You may experience several physical stress symptoms such as headaches, constipation, dizziness or muscle tension.
Maybe your mood fluctuates, you are confused and may have difficulty remembering and concentrating.
Or maybe you eat more fast food, sugar and drink more alcohol than you usually do.
When you feel stress symptoms then - stop and feel them, how to really feel them.
You can possibly do an easy and quick body scan of your body, where you feel each individual body part one at a time.
This way you will feel all your stress symptoms one by one.
It is also important that you think about why they are there ...
What is it that you are stressed about?
Often it can be your own thoughts, about yourself, that are stressful.
Which thoughts are stressful is very individual.
For some it's about not reaching the tasks they have to accomplish, for others it's about not having the career or job they think they should have, not succeeding as a mother or as a wife that they feel they have to perform all the time, etc.
Of course, the cause or causes of stress are often complex and very individual, so I generalize a bit.
But you should try to find out what lies behind your patterns, habits and routines and also the thoughts that you think about when you experience your stress symptoms. .
Relate to the thoughts that stress you out.
You can possibly write your thoughts down in a body diary, it will help you see the patterns behind your stress symptoms.
You can also look at what values are behind it and what values you want to base your life on?
Write the following in the body diary in note form:
Time: time and date
Stress symptoms : restlessness, dizziness
Cause: What led up to the symptoms
The body diary is one of the most effective stress tools that can be used in connection with stress management.
Since over time it gives a really good insight into what is stressing and why.
In this way, one can better identify one's "stressors" and can therefore better change them and be action-oriented.
When you have stress, you experience many different stress symptoms, which vary from person to person, but they are still often quite typical.
Here is a list, it is far from exhaustive and all the symptoms do not have to be signs of stress in isolation.
If you experience or have physical, mental symptoms, you should always have them examined by your doctor.
You are very welcome to notice what symptoms you have, at what times and in connection with what activities or episodes you are experiencing them.
If necessary, write them down in a body diary and show them to your doctor and stress counselor.
Stress symptoms:
Back pain
Muscle pain and tension
Emotional disturbances
Chest pain
Sound and light sensitive
Loss of appetite or craving for a lot of food
Cold hands / feet
Difficulty breathing
Sleep problems
… There may be other physical symptoms?
Low self-esteem
Mood swings
Loss of control
Difficulty concentrating
Memory difficulties
… There may be other mental symptoms?
Restlessness and restlessness
Grind one's teeth
Drink more
Eat more
Do not care about his appearance
Have swallows by being social
Bites nails
Difficulty reading or watching TV
… There may be other behavioral symptoms?
Again stop and feel your stress symptoms, your body sends you small and big messages, to get your attention, it does not stop until you listen - the symptoms just get more and more powerful.
Stress must always be taken seriously as the body sends you these symptoms / alarm bells for you to react and stop!
If you are interested in a good body scan, please contact me and I will send you one.
You can read more about meditation and body scanning on this page under "Help for self-help"
- and about the phases of stress on this website.